The Artful Ambler

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Tips for Surviving the Coronavirus Quarantine

this. shit.


Y’all, this coronavirus situation is evolving quickly, and it seems like we can all barely keep up with the new information coming out every hour. 

On top of that, it’s spring break for many of us, and I see a lot of people treating the situation like the kids are actually supposed to be in school this week.

In case all this has you #triggered, here are my nine best pieces of advice for getting through the COVID-19 Self-Quarantine.

1 - Know your terminology and double-check facts.

I’ve seen words like shelter-in-place, martial law, and emergency war powers thrown around pretty willy-nilly the last few days. Make sure you know the difference between them, and get clear on what the law says. Then monitor your local news to see how that affects you in your city. Check the CDC’s website regularly for information on how the US is affected by COVID-19, and how you can stay safe here.

Also, the World Health Organization has a good “myth busters” section here.

Your local Department of State Health Services (or similar agency) will have helpful information as well.

2 - Plan, don’t panic.

Do you have a plan of action for your family? If not, make one (note to self: write a blog post about creating family emergency plans).

A few essential things:

  • Health care - ensure you have current medical records and prescriptions, especially if you have elderly family members or those with chronic conditions. See if you can get an advance on necessary prescriptions, and if possible, get your prescriptions sent to the grocery store to avoid unnecessary additional trips to the pharmacy.

  • Life insurance and/or temporary disability - I know, morbid, but true. This is a health pandemic, and you need to have a plan in place should something happen to you or your partner.

  • First Aid - Have a good supply of cold, allergy, and pain medicines, or anything else your family frequently uses, on top of the standards like bandages and burn treatments. This will help minimize trips to the store if you fall ill.

  • Pantry - Of course canned goods and bottled water are a go-to. But in a situation like this, it helps to keep a big jug of distilled white vinegar, some lemons, and baking soda handy. Throw in some herbs and essential oils, and you’ve got the only cleaning/disinfecting products you need.

  • Finances - know your liquidity, and know what resources your financial institutions are offering right now, if needed.

That being said...

3 - Know what resources are available to you.

Childcare, health insurance, occupation, utilities, rent, etc. What are your providers doing to serve their customers in this time? Research what your local government is doing that affects you in these areas. Are they restricting landlords from charging late fees? Is your childcare refunding payments? These are unprecedented times, and many organizations are trying to help as much as they can.Also, look to your schools for continued education. We might be on spring break right now, but you’ll need something (if you don’t already) to keep those kiddos busy and learning pretty soon. Our school and daycare have sent lesson plans for the kids while they’re away. If your school hasn’t done that already, contact the administrator and ask what resources they can provide to keep the kids learning.

4 - Get your spring clean on.

If you’re like me, you probably never get the chance to do a proper spring cleaning in your house. What better time than now? Give the kids a toothbrush and some kid-friendly cleaning solution and let them have a go at the baseboards! Plus, you’re probably cleaning everything like a crazy person anyway. But instead of being crazy, utilize this time to figure out what works best for your family in terms of a cleaning schedule, or re-organize your cleaning cabinet. You can also work on tidying up that junk drawer (or three).

5 - Get outside (a little).

Remember, you can still leave your house, just be cautious and practice social distancing. Have a picnic or a campout in the backyard. Throw some sidewalk chalk at the kids and relax on the front porch while they have at it. Take a scenic drive with the family, but keep your germs in the car, yo!

This is a seriously concerning time, but it ain’t The Happening, folks.

6 - Stay active.

Sitting around watching the news + eating a lot canned goods = unhappy bodies

Honestly, I’m not an exercise person. It’s difficult for me to find the motivation to exercise even on a normal day. So this pandemic definitely isn’t helping anything.BUT, as I put it above, we’re doing a lot of sitting and waiting, and eating canned goods.

So we have to take extra care to stay active and on top of our health. Run up and down the stairs a couple of times or get some high knees in while re-binging Stranger Things. Let’s get creative here! And speaking of getting creative...

7 - Take on a project.

Hubby and I were in the middle of getting ready to re-do our flooring before this thing started. Now we’re saving money on installation, and we have stuff to do while we’re stuck at home. Suck it, germs!

Hit up Amazon for some craft supplies or for home decor items and freshen things up a bit. If it’s not super crappy outside, get out there and weed those flowerbeds you’ve been wanting to take care of.Whatever it is, there are bound to be a few things you can check off your to-do list while you’re stuck at home.

8 - Keep the family on a schedule.

At least somewhat. Pretty soon, the kids would normally be returning to school. But these are crazy times, and although we have to keep kids informed of what is going on, it’s helpful to establish some normalcy at the same time.

While we can’t go out much, we can still wake up at a decent time, schedule our meals around the same time, and schedule time for homework practice or silent reading.

9 - Keep your mental health game strong.

Seriously, being cooped up in the house with the kiddos for three weeks straight is enough to drive anyone mad. Yes, we love our kids, but holy. shit. There are times when I feel like I’m going to throw up if I hear one more cute-ass rendition of “Row Your Boat.”

That being said, your kids and the rest of your family need you to stay sane as much as you need your sanity. So pop some lavender oil in a hot bath, order some noise-cancelling headphones, meditate, or smoke a bowl (if it’s legal for you). Or all four of the above. Whatever you gotta do, just keep that brain happy!

Hopefully these tips find you well and in good health. If not, I hope that things improve soon for you, and for all of us. If you’re bored, hit me up on IG with your tips for quarantine, or stories from your newfound adventures!

Stay safe and don’t get sick!

Much Love,
