the artful ambler


Lifestyle, Travel Michelle Fehrenbach Lifestyle, Travel Michelle Fehrenbach

6 Things I Learned from My First Major Vacation

It had been three years since visiting California, and it's definitely been awhile since we’ve stayed in a hotel for more than one or two nights, so there were a lot of things that I completely spaced on for our trip. I wanted to share those with you in case you’re ever in a similar situation.

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Lifestyle, Beauty, Travel Michelle Fehrenbach Lifestyle, Beauty, Travel Michelle Fehrenbach

The Five Best Makeup Palettes for Travel

If you’re like me, you like a simple, effortless beauty routine. That becomes even more important when you’re traveling, especially if you’re only taking a carry-on. In preparation for our vacation, I wanted to share my most coveted, and seasoned favorite makeup palettes that do double-duty to save you some room in your suitcase.

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Family, Travel Michelle Fehrenbach Family, Travel Michelle Fehrenbach

12 Tips for Flying with Kids

Happy Monday! We at the Ambler household are officially less than a week from our vacation! We are flying out to California, so I figured it might be a good idea to go over some tips and tricks to help when flying with kids.

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Travel Michelle Fehrenbach Travel Michelle Fehrenbach

The 30 Best Packing Tips for the Novice Traveler

Now that it's June and the kids are out of school, we are officially in travel season! Here at the Artful Ambler house, we're swiftly approaching our vacation to California, so I'm putting together my packing list this week, and revising it this weekend! So I thought it'd be a good idea to put together some tips for packing if you're a novice traveler.

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