The Artful Ambler

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New Year Update!

So… it’s been awhile, eh?

I wanted to drop in for a quick post because I know I’ve been a bit off the grid for awhile now. Things have been all over the place for the past year with all the huge changes that happened, and are still happening, so, if I’m completely honest, I have not been fulfilling my Artful Ambler duties as I should. 

If you’re friends with me on Facebook, you’ve probably seen blips of things here and there, but I haven’t really taken the time to fully update everyone on the details of things. So here we go!

School - Big changes are happening!

If you read back to THIS POST, you’ll know that at the beginning of 2019, I was heading back to school for a Bachelor’s in accounting. 

As it turns out, school was good for helping me figure out what I don’t want to do. Which is to sit at a tiny cubicle and talk about numbers (like how much money we need to move from this budget into that budget in order for so-and-so to cover their supplies expenditures - holy shit I almost went to sleep just writing that). I’m not sure why I didn’t figure that out earlier, but here we are. 

Once I started doubting my decision to go into accounting, I took all the aptitude and personality tests I could find, I remembered one key thing - I’ve always been a creative person, and I’ve never been that good at math. I honestly don’t know how I thought an accounting major would be even a remotely good idea, but again, here we are.

After a lot of thinking and researching and brainstorming, and otherwise driving myself crazy forever, I figured out that I want to major in Communications. I figure this will be a good way for me to tap into my creative side, but still be able to have a steady career path (AKA, not be a “starving artist”).

Anyway, I found a Journalism & Media Communications program at Colorado State that I love, and I’m super excited to dive in, and hopefully share some of my coursework and progress with you all over the course of my degree.

The Day Job - It’s kind of the same!

I started 2019 with an administrative assistant position in the accounting department of one of our State agencies. After about 9 months, I was able to move up into an accountant role. This job really has been a huge blessing to me, not only professionally and financially, but personally as well. I’ve made a few really good friends that I will be forever grateful for. So, although I don’t really want to sit in a cubicle talking about budgets all day for the rest of my life, I really do like my job.

Family - It’s as crazy as it ever was!

Probably the biggest note of 2019 for our family was that Eddie and I have been married for TEN. FRIGGIN. YEARS.

It seems like it’s been two at most, but we’ve been flying by the seats of our pants for pretty much the entirety of our marriage, so I guess it all makes sense. 

We did hit up London for an early celebration, and the trip was a whirlwind of adventure - which perfectly sums up our journey together so far. I’ve been meaning to post about our trip, but we let our Adobe license lapse, and well… if you know of a good freeware substitute for Lightroom, hit me up!

I did manage to get a quick edit done on one of my favorite photos from our trip, which you can see above. English pubs are amazing, save for the blatantly inadequate lighting for photos.

As for future plans, we are focusing on our respective careers, and simply trying to tame the circus that is the Fehrenbach clan.

Going Forward…

So, what to expect here at the blog? Well not much, unfortunately. I won’t be posting much, since I’ll be focusing on my schoolwork. But I will try to post quarterly updates, at least. 

I’m also going to try and be more active on social. My goal is to get on IG three times weekly, if I can swing it. We’ll see how it goes. I’m sure I’ll be posting lots of cute kiddo pics, at the very least!


As always, please get in touch if you have questions, comments, etc.. I look forward to sharing my progress with you this year, and not being quite as much of a hermit as I was in 2019.

Happy New Year to you all!

Much Love,
